What is dampening direction in a gas spring?

Springs are not all mechanical. There are gas springs that feature compressed gas, living up to their name. They can be used to place moving pieces. The gas pressure will rise when it is subjected to a load, allowing the gas spring to generate its own force. But you must take the damping direction into account while selecting the ideal gas spring.

Explained Damping Direction

The force-exercising direction of a gas spring is referred to as the damping direction. Gas springs are no different from other springs in that they are all made to exert force when they are exposed to a load.

There is an extension damping direction in some gas springs. There is a compression damping direction in other gas springs. To discover which direction a gas spring exerts force, look at the damping direction.

Damping Extension Direction

When the gas spring dampens in the extension direction, it pulls inward. Springs are frequently grouped based on the direction of their dampening. Both extension and compression springs are available. Extension damping direction is present in extension springs. They are made to function while under tension. The extension springs will stretch and lengthen due to the tension load.

Direction of Compression Damping

They are made to function while under compression. They will get shorter if they are under compression. Gas springs with a compression damping direction will also apply a pushing force at the same time. Most gas springs use a compression damping direction such as this.

The Importance of Damping Direction

When selecting gas springs, you must take the damping direction into account. It will limit the uses you are allowed to put it to. While other applications call for a compression damping direction, some call for an extension damping direction.

Every gas spring produces force. The damping direction is a representation of the direction in which this force is applied. An inward pulling force is produced by gas springs with an extended dampening direction. Gas springs that are compressed dampening direction push outward.

Gas springs exert a gas by using compressed gas as a leverage. The pressure of each gas will rise when it is exposed to a load. Gas springs can provide a force thanks to the rise in pressure. The direction of this applied force is simply reflected in the damping direction.

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